In a shocking story, a medical aspirant committed suicide in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday. The reason was increased stress for the NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) exam. The aspirant was from a tribal community and was the son of an auto driver. The victim had previously given the NEET exam and was able to get admission to a private medical college which his family could not afford. In a bid to get admitted into a reputed government college the aspirant was preparing independently this year.
The Tamil
Nadu Assembly passed a bill, based on Justice AK Rajan Committee's
recommendations, seeking exemption from NEET. After a long delay, the Governor
has forwarded this to the President. However, if the President does not take
any action on it in due time, then be sure that he will turn down a similar
bill by this AIADMK regime as well. Recently, we've seen a growing support for
Tamil Nadu's stance on NEET. Karnataka, West Bengal, and Kerala have demanded
exemption from the entrance test.
There have been more than 20 such
cases in the state over the past few years where students have taken extreme
steps after failing in entrance exams. The state of the students has provoked
several people to share their thoughts on the incident over social media as
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